Friday, July 18, 2014

Yeast protocol and Cantharis6x

Hello! :D I hope everyone is having a super positive and awesome morning, like me. 

This morning I am enjoying a delicious apple-avocado smoothie made with coconut milk. Having a healthy smoothie or vegetable juice for breakfast has became part of my routine for about the last month- two months. I originally embarked on a strict anti candida diet. The diet however is quite expensive and restrictive at times ( especially when you also have to follow the ic diet). I have decided to adopt some of the practices of the anti yeast diet , such as no dairy, sugar , processed foods, etc but am no longer currently following a very strict anti candida diet (I enjoy corn and the occasional potato now and then) . I also have began taking high potency probiotics and featuring natural anti fungals such as mint and rutabaga in my diet more. In addition to this diet I am taking 6 rounds of a anti fungal medicine ( gyne-lotrimin 3 day ) spaced over the course of a month, in addition to 2-3 rounds of a antibiotic/antibacterial cream. Ill update my blog in a few weeks and let everyone know how this protocol has been working out for me.

In other exciting news I have found a new homeopathic medicine to try for my interstitial cystitis. See my cystitis is debilitating painful every single day ( despite following a ic diet, alkalizing foods,acid neutralizers,physical therapy, heat pads,ice packs, ibuprofen 800 mg, cymbalta, neurontin, lidocaine ointment 5% , detoxing, gentle exercise, avoiding stress and applying topical pain relievers, marshmallow root tea and muscle relaxers.) I read about this new medicine here.

The website indicated that the best type of homeopathic treatment for my pain was :
  • Cantharis—Indicated for intolerable urgency with burning, scalding urination.
Cantharis is basically spanish fly from what I understand and then they somehow manufacture it into small white pills that dissolve under your tongue. From what I understand this version of Cantharis is not potent enough to hurt you unless you take large amounts and it does not have the same aphrodisiac properties as spanish fly. 

 I ordered my medicine today for about 6.00 for a bottle of 250 with 6x potency. It will be here in about 5-7 days and I will update as to how it works. I also tried sassafras tea today ( a analgesic that is also toxic in large amounts) . It grows wild around my home and taste delicious with just a bit of honey. It seemed to help the pain some, i will drink more to day and see if it really is helping.

I hope this post inspires you to continue seeking ways 

to heal yourself even when the road to healing is quite 


* I am in no way a medical professional and none of the above should be interpreted as medical advice. Please consult with your medical practitioner, homeopath, herbalist etc. 

Monday, July 7, 2014

More freebie sites.......

The topic I want to discuss is my current bzzcampaign. is a website that sends you free products in return for your review of these products. You earn points by reviewing, sharing and talking to others about the products. Currently I am involved in the " Nobody but crest in a corner" campaign. This campaign test 3 new flavors of crest toothpaste. In return for doing a few short activities I will receive a box of 3 full size tubes of crest. Please type in the box for referring user. =)